Returns & Refunds

1. Eligibility for Refund

Please, be aware that our returns policy differs from any standard product returns policy. This is due to our products being consumable goods, therefore, to protect our customers and ensure safety, we do not accept returns of our products within any timeframe in accordance with the UK consumer law, except special circumstances noted below.

2. Reasons for Return/Replacement

Returns for the following reasons will be processed free of charge:

– Received the wrong Item: Customer received a product different from what was ordered.

– Damaged during shipping: The product was damaged in transit, and the customer received it in unsatisfactory condition.

– Defective product: The product received has a manufacturing defect or is not functioning as expected.

– Product expired: The received product has passed its expiration date.

3. Damaged or defective items

If you receive a damaged or defective item, please contact our customer support team within 72 hours from delivery. We will arrange for a replacement or offer a refund, as appropriate.

4. Return process

To initiate a refund, please follow these steps:

1. Contact our customer support team at with your order number and details of the issue.

2. Await further instructions from our team on how to return the product.

3. Pack the product securely and include a copy of the proof of purchase.

4. Ship the product to the address provided by our customer support team.

5. Final decision

IVA PLANTS reserves the right to make a final decision on the eligibility of products for a refund based on the provided proof of purchase and the condition of the returned item.

6. Changes to refund policy

IVA PLANTS may update or modify this Refund Policy at any time. Please review this page periodically for changes.

By making a purchase from IVA PLANTS, you agree to abide by this Refund Policy.

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