Culinary Herbs – Dried Dill


Product Profile:

Net Weight: 65g
Name: Dried Dill
Part of plant: Aerial parts
Appearance: Brittle green fine leaf
Flavour: Aromatic, with aniseedy and slight lemony notes
Odour: Reflects the freshness and distinctive character of fine Dill leaf
Drying method: Sun-dried


Our Dried Dill is a culinary herb that adds a unique touch to your dishes. With its fine green leaves and invigorating aroma, it transforms even the simplest meals into delightful culinary experiences. The magic lies in its captivating fragrance, enriched with hints of anise, caraway and a subtle citrus undertone. Whether sprinkled on salads, blended into sauces or used in seafood dishes, our Dried Dill elevates the taste to a new level of culinary excellence.


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